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Are Independent Living Communities Regulated?

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Independent living can be a wonderful lifestyle for many seniors. It involves living in a community where seniors can enjoy a strong sense of social engagement and access to a wide range of services and amenities

Independent living communities do not always require state or federal regulations—so long as they only provide independent living services. However, senior living communities that also provide assisted living, skilled nursing, or memory care services in Texas may fall under regulations set by Texas Health and Human Services or other licensing boards.

Learning more about the different types of senior living communities that can be found in Texas and how they differ from each other can help you make the right choice for yourself or a loved one. 

What Is Independent Living?

In independent living, seniors can enjoy a maintenance-free lifestyle and the company of people at a similar stage in life—as well as access to a range of amenities and activities designed to help keep life vibrant and engaging, all without the burdens of home maintenance and management.

In a community designed to nurture personal growth and make a difference, independent living offers a true home to seniors looking for a simpler, more social lifestyle.

The Benefits of Independent Living

It’s not just about convenience! Independent living offers a wealth of benefits through a range of services and amenities, such as:

  • Fitness classes
  • Housekeeping
  • Transportation services
  • Outdoor areas
  • Restaurant-style dining
  • An extensive range of activities

From cleaning services to beautiful common areas, independent living is all about providing what seniors need and want to enjoy life. With the support of trained staff nearby, residents can enjoy a life full of excitement, relaxation, and social connections. Communities like ours offer a way for seniors to create meaningful connections while they receive the love and support they deserve.

How Are Independent Living Communities Regulated?

Independent living communities differ from other types of senior living communities in that they aren’t focused on providing advanced medical support or care for older adults living with cognitive disorders. Instead, they aim to provide a community for independent adults looking for a more maintenance-free lifestyle.

Because residents are independent, mobile, and capable of living alone without risk, independent living communities don’t always fall under specific regulations in Texas—so long as they only provide independent living services. The level of regulation can also vary outside of the state of Texas.

However, there’s a bit of a catch. Independent living services are often provided by senior living communities that offer other forms of support, like assisted living. When there are other types of care being offered, the community may fall under regulations from a specific board.

For example, at Parsons House La Porte, our community is regulated by Texas Health and Human Services as a Type A assisted living provider.

Daughter  laughing with her senior parents.

Who Is Independent Living For?

Independent living can be an incredible choice for seniors who want to maintain their independence while avoiding the challenges of home maintenance. 

Homeownership comes with its own drawbacks—you may constantly need to worry about repairs, maintenance, lawn care, property management, and more. In independent living, you can avoid those drawbacks, all while reaping the benefits of the services and amenities the community provides. 

If you’re somebody who loves the idea of a mix of privacy, community, social opportunities, and convenience, then independent living might be right for you! Usually, communities will have their own requirements for residents. These can include:

  • Being over a certain age
  • Being in good physical health
  • Having the ability to live independently

Each community has its own unique feeling, and finding one that feels like home can be key. Imagine waking up each day to a calendar filled with activities you love, surrounded by new friends who share your interests. Whether you want to attend fitness classes or simply enjoy chef-prepared meals with neighbors, independent living communities offer a dynamic lifestyle that can be hard to beat.

How to Choose an Independent Living Community

You deserve a community that can truly feel like home, and it’s important to find a community that fits your personal preferences. This is why most communities offer the chance to schedule a tour ahead of time so you can see for yourself what your future life could be like.

When you’re looking for a community, try to:

  • Ask about the activities and amenities available. It’s important to ensure that the things you love to do—or might want to try—are readily available.
  • Discuss the costs and what is included. Be sure you know what your monthly fee covers.
  • Talk to some of the residents and staff if you can. They can provide valuable insight into what it’s like to live in the community.
  • Trust your instincts. Sometimes, a place just feels right. If you walk into a community and can immediately see yourself living there, it might just be the perfect fit for you.

Independent Living in Texas

If you’re at a point in your life where you’re ready to downsize, remove the responsibilities of home maintenance, and enjoy a community rich with unconditional love and support, reach out to our team at Parsons House La Porte. Our community is here to help you celebrate life each and every day. Book a tour with us today!

Written by Parsons House La Porte

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