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Category: Assisted Living

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What Is the Best Age for Assisted Living?

A nurse sits with a senior resident, chatting about their card game.

There is not a fixed age that dictates when assisted living is best. Instead, it’s about the individual’s unique needs, lifestyle, and health.  While it’s common for seniors in their late 70s to early 80s to start exploring assisted living, some may consider it earlier or later, depending on their circumstances. The crucial factor is […]

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What Do Assisted Living Facilities Provide?

A group of seniors laughing and smiling while eating breakfast together in assisted living.

Assisted living offers a unique way for your loved one to stay independent while receiving the support they need every day. These communities are an excellent way to maintain autonomy and quality of life, all in a community that supports your loved one each and every day. But what do assisted living facilities actually provide? […]

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