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10 Activities for Elderly People That Aren’t Boring

A young woman leads a group of diverse older adults in a yoga exercise in a lush, green park

With the free time that comes with being of retirement age, your parents may be searching for more activities to fill their time. While the amount of excitement someone can get from an activity entirely depends on their interest levels and passions, navigating the search for engaging activities for older parents can sometimes feel overwhelming.  […]

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What is Senior Independent Living?

Older woman sitting reading a book.

Independent living is a housing arrangement tailored for older adults who wish to maintain their independence without the burden of daily chores and responsibilities. Residents typically enjoy a fully-equipped private residence within a community of peers, free from the hassle of home maintenance and chores.  Additional amenities often include chef-prepared meals, housekeeping, planned events and […]

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Are Independent Living Communities Regulated?

Three senior men taking a selfie and laughing.

Independent living can be a wonderful lifestyle for many seniors. It involves living in a community where seniors can enjoy a strong sense of social engagement and access to a wide range of services and amenities.  Independent living communities do not always require state or federal regulations—so long as they only provide independent living services. […]

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10 Ways Senior Communities Promote Health & Wellness

A group of seniors in an exercise class smiling and stretching with one hand over their heads.

Senior communities are more than just places to live—they can be vibrant, nurturing spaces that promote health, vitality, and a sense of belonging. At communities like Parsons House La Porte, residents can enjoy engaging amenities presented by dedicated staff who love to care for others. Some of the ways senior communities promote health and wellness […]

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What Signs to Look Out for When Visiting Mom & Dad

A senior man and his daughter, smiling and looking through photo album together at home.

Cherishing time with your parents becomes increasingly important as they age and start thinking about making the transition to a senior living community. Visiting them can be a heartwarming experience filled with laughter and joy. Visiting senior parents can also be an opportunity to observe their well-being and look for signs indicating they might need […]

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