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Senior Moving Checklist

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A senior man holding a cardboard box while his wife stands beside him. They are both smiling.

There’s nothing quite as stressful as moving day, no matter how old you are. Whether you’re downsizing to a smaller home that fits your needs or moving to an assisted living community, it’s always nice to make sure you’re fully prepared.

By making sure you have a plan in place, you have people to help you if you need it, and that wherever you’re going is ready for you, you’ll be minimizing the stress and setting yourself up for a safe, easy move!

Here at Parsons House La Porte, we want to make sure your move is as efficient and simple as it can be, so we’ve compiled this list of important things to remember for your move! If you’re in need of an assisted living community, book a tour today and take the first step towards joining our community today!

What to Do to Plan the Move

Before moving to a new place, it’s important you establish a plan for the day of. It’s a big step you’re taking no matter where you’re going, so by taking care of all the details ahead of time, you can minimize stress when the big day comes along.

The first thing you need if you’re not sure where to move is to do is establish your needs. Ask questions like:

  • Do you want a place to yourself or people similar in age group in interests with you?
  • How much space do you need?
  • Do you need any special services or medical care in your day-to-day life?
  • How independent do you want to be?
  • What area do you want to live in?
  • What’s your financial situation like?

By answering questions like this, you’ll be able to make sure that wherever you go will be right for you. Make sure you pick somewhere that fits all your needs.

If you’re hiring a moving service, it’s best to lock in a time early. If you have an idea of when you’re moving or an exact date, it’s always good to be ahead of schedule and know that when the big day comes, you’ll have a team of movers ready to do the heavy lifting for you!

Don’t forget—get boxes, tape, and wrap ahead of time. The sooner you start packing and getting things ready, the more time you have to remember all the little things and make sure your belongings are safe and damage-free when you get to your new home.

If you’re getting rid of things or moving to a furnished home, it’s a good idea to start purging, selling, or donating any items you don’t plan to bring along!

Important Things to Remember Before Moving

With so many things to remember before the big day, it’s best to do what you can and plan ahead of time.


Many people forget to transfer or cancel their utilities at their current address. The ones to remember to cancel, transfer, or disconnect entirely include:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Internet
  • Gas
  • Cable
  • Garbage services or pickup (if applicable to your situation)
  • Phone 
  • Any magazine or newspaper deliveries

Change of Address

When moving to a new place, it’s important that you have your address changed on all official documentation. Remember to contact the necessary offices and change over your:

  • Credit card 
  • Insurance
  • Vehicle documentation
  • Physician documents or medical care documents
  • Pharmaceutical delivery
  • Delivery services like Amazon or FedEx
  • Magazine or newspaper subscriptions

It’s important to remember as well—if you often order things online for delivery, the auto-fill option may put in your old address once you move. Make sure you keep an eye out!

Schedule for Moving Day

The day-of is going to be hectic, so taking active steps to make it easier is essential. Try and make a schedule so you know what’s happening and when!

  • Reach out to family and friends and notify them of the move. See if anybody wants to give you a hand!
  • Make sure you know when to expect the movers to arrive, and determine a rough idea of how long it’ll take to get everything in the truck and on the move. Set aside whatever boxes are going with you in your vehicle.
  • Before leaving for the new place, double-check each and every room. (This is also a great time to take pictures if you want the memories!) 
  • Make sure utilities are properly disconnected. When you arrive at the new home, make sure the utilities are properly set up!
  • When you arrive at the new place, it’s best to make sure your bed is set up properly as one of your first priorities. There’s nothing like falling asleep in your own bed after a long day, after all.
A senior man with a cane smiles and laughs with a nurse and other seniors.

Advice for Adjusting After the Move

Whether it’s yourself or a loved one making this move, it’s a big adjustment. Make sure you have a proper support system in place so that once the big day is complete, you’ll have people around who can help with what you need.

After moving, it’s common for people to become a little more withdrawn. Being in a new environment, especially if you’ve lived somewhere else for most of your life, can be an overwhelming experience that takes a long time to adjust to. And with the need to unpack everything and get your new home set up just right, it’s perfectly normal to take your time and make sure it feels like just that—home.

Make sure you keep in contact with your loved ones in the weeks after the move, and see if they want to come see the new place! It’s always good to have a social visit, after all, and having an extra person around to help never hurts!

A New Place to Call Home

Here at Parsons House La Porte, we do everything we can to make sure that every resident feels at home on their first day here, and we’re here to help with the adjustment of being in a new community. 

If you or a loved one is in need of an assisted living community, schedule a tour with us today and take the first step toward your new home!

Written by Parsons House La Porte

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